Author: Ashley
•7:01 PM
So I saw the new dr this week. She is a DO which is totally new to me but i really like her. Almost all of my bloodwork was perfect. The few things she saw that weren't where she wanted them, she has me taking supplements for ( MCT liquid, colostrum, vit d, vit a, probiotic, homocysteine, and GI revive). Most of those were inflammation markers and such. She also started me on the low dose naltrexone. Tonight will be my 3rd dose. I really don't feel any different. I stopped taking the lialda (again) so I'm kind of waiting to see if things get bad again. I have multiple ulcers and my tongue is still white so obviously there are issues but it's only been 3 days. Plus I just got the supplements in the mail and started them today. On a very interesting note, my total cholesterol was 150 and she said she'd actually like that higher. Totally random but I think it being low is affecting my hormones. I plan to have roast beef and a steak this weekend. Yum! Except I can't have a baked potato with it...oh yeah b/c she also wants me doing the SCD diet. I follow it mostly anyway with the exception of the sugar in my coffee (haven't cut that out quite yet).

Another interesting thing she said was I have hyposis (sp? or it might have been a different word) of my eyes. Basically, my eyes constrict with light but quickly try to dilate b/c I'm in adrenal fatigue. She wants to do another blood test and start me on a supplement for that as well but it will have to wait until our bank account has recovered from this last testing and buying all the stuff.

She also mentioned I have a scalloped tongue and said it was probably due to TMJ. That has grossed me out/bothered me more than anything. Seriously...rectal bleeding-no big deal; scalloped/swollen tongue-ew!

I see her back in 3 months. Hopefully things will continue on a good path and we can get this junk under control!

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